Wednesday, December 21, 2011

My First Blog

So this how it's going to be, huh? Me, essentially talking to myself in hopes that someone out there will find it interesting enough to keep reading. Well, here goes nothing. I suppose I'll introduce myself to all you viewers out there in web land. My name is Angela Brace, as you most intelligently noticed. How the heck did you even get here? And how do I find others like you? Other blogs, I mean. Here I am, brand new to using this type of system and most of these things are fairly intuitive. However, I wanted to look at other blogs to get an idea of how people set themselves up. Yes, it's true, I'm not much of a blog follower of any kind, so I don't really know what I'm getting into here.  None-the-less, how am I supposed to connect with fellow bloggers if there isn't some sort of directory directly in my face? Perhaps a soon as I post this first rant I will be shown such a thing. Even still, it would have been nice to have such a directory available from my home page.

Now that I've got that off my chest. Let's get down to brass tacks.(I've always wanted to say that. Even though I didn't really, I just typed it.) (I feel like I'm in the fourth dimension, communicating my stream of consciousness directly into the void of space, which is now poised as the WWW.) Like I was saying, I am here to offer articles that will be thought provoking and informative about conscious living.

The subject of conscious living spans great and wide and I hope to cover many topics and offer my perspective and to do my best to provide useful information to help you improve your life.


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